Studying abroad fall of 2008. Prague. Food. Fears. Fashion.

Hoping to find myself, at least.

Monday, October 20, 2008


So I am of course not updating you DIRECTLY from the day of the exhibition...I didn't have time otherwise but I can assure you, dear reader, that I have been busy as a fucking beaver concerning my fashion endeavors.

Firstly, before Designblok occurred I visited the atelier (studio, in CZ) of Helena Fejkova. She has eclectic taste in design and she was also kind of...cold, shall we say? I walked in to meet my teacher and I didn't know if the namesake was in her "fashion gallery" so I asked an attendant, who pointed to the woman and I was given a gruff reply of "I'm busy!"...indeed, she was, I could see that with my own eyes, as she was fitting a plump woman with a jacket of sorts...i just asked a question, lady, I'm not fucking retarded


My teacher arrived and we looked at the collection...and it's ugly and unwearable, in my opinion. She likes to utilize jester and renaissance themes, as well as ugly fabrics and colors. Her things are also wildly overpriced for the pieces produced. I've seen similar in the JC Penny catalog which I wouldn't even spend my money on if I wanted to.

That was just the beginning of an overall disappointing night of fashion.

I was late getting to Designblok because I was politely waiting for an interview with Queen of Shit Fashion who eventually did not even realize my presence anyway. I missed the opening designer, who I wanted to see the most. I saw some pieces and liked them a lot, but then came JAROSLAVA.

And I was bored out of my creative fashion mind.

It was as though someone had thought of the bright idea to host a fashion show for Old Navy. Henley stripped dresses, school girl plaids and uninspiring, oversized sweaters IN THE SAME FUCKING PATTERNS AND FABRICS OVER AND OVER AGAIN seemed to be the highlight? of her collection. I ended up not taking pictures, it was so unoriginal. And this woman sold her shit for top dollar too! I hope she paid Designblok to be able to show her shit. BOR-ING.

She also used organdy in some sort of brown color. Who the fuck uses organdy anymore? She must be in cahoots with Fejkova.

NAVARILA-DESIGN was next, and I was pleasantly surprised with what was being displayed. I'm sure I felt that way simply because of my disappointment with Jaroslava however. Navarila actually happened to be the friend of my friend Elise's host mother, also a fashion designer. Her concepts were simple and wearable but elegantly stylish and clearly took more brainwork to conceptualize than Jaraslava. There was a desert, Morrocan theme, completed in knits (HOW DOES SHE DO THAT????) with pieces similar to burkas, veils, etc. Her color combinations were excellent and each piece was seamlessly put together. Although i wouldn't consider this to be high fashion, it was certainly more provocative of thought and creativity than some others I had seen before.

So the second night of Designblok not so inspiring and entertaining, but you have to have some contrasts, right?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's the most wonderful time of the year, dear readers, that time not being CHRISTMAS but FASHION WEEK, my favorite of holidays

Designblok '08 has begun and i am milking the sweet teet that is known as the "all week pass" (costing me roughly $5.50 I LOVE CZ). It's been fascinating so far. Designblok is inclusive of not only fashion design but design as a whole- industrial, architectural, furniture, ceramics, interior, etc. It shows amongst the settings provided. Everything is so contemporary, so smooth and bold and white- I've seen a lot of white tonight (fuck Labor Day yo). And people who dress very, very trendy.

I started off with a smaller fashion show but it impressed me a lot. Chi-Chi is the name and it is in collaboration with another female artist of Harddecore fashion who put on what I like to call a "performance of fashion". There were no models- dancers were used instead to create fluid movements and tell a story using the fashions placed upon them. There was a neon storybook theme and graphic design was also used to enhance the stage. Most of the fashions resembled loose adaptations of Russian tunics and three-quarter pants, some frock coats in contemporary designs, etc. You could tell the amount of hard work put into the styles and it certainly paid off. The shapes of the dancers were entertaining and it was definitely a unique showcasing of fashion which I know the audience also enjoyed.

The next show was by artist Monika Drápalová, who seemed to attract a larger, older crowd. I wondered if this meant she was an established designer, someone relatively well-known, a bit drab, etc. Her designs were not as intricate and exciting as Chi-Chi's but they were definitely worth viewing. She presented her models more traditionally, simply walking down the catwalk without interaction between models. What was interesting about her collection was its versatility- drawstrings and buttons were attached to feather-weight materials and as each model walked, she was changing the form and structure of the clothing. Loosening a top became an evening dress, pulling the buttons off of a tent-like coat became a flouncy skirt. Most impressive was her usage of men's tweed blazers, hanging upside down at the waist and then seemlessly turned upright to show the dynamic nature of the piece.

The second show was shorter than the first and lacked the imaginativeness of the former but both it can be said were against your average fashion show regiment. I am curious to know if this is how they are all done or if this was a special case because the designers may be somewhat up and coming.

I was able to score some calling cards from designers located in their "boutique booths" but I realize now I did not go about it in the proper ways I should have. One woman was apprehensive about an interview but the others were not, so I guess it's not that bad of a deal. I may even ambitiously leave my business cards around the booths in hopes of hearing from someone. Yet i don't want to be redundant- I think I've emailed just about everyone.

I look forward to the fashion activities that lay ahead for me tomorrow. Starting at 1:30 I have an interview with a design teacher, then and interview with the curator of textiles at the Design museum, then a special showcase of Helena Fejkova's collection with my teacher, and then from 6pm on it's back to Superstudio DOX for three or four more fashion shows.

And yes, I am on crack. But who isn't these days?

I am going to have NO FUCKING PROBLEM writing my independent study. None what fucking so ever.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Holy balls, readers, I found out where all they keep the trendy people in the Czech Republic!

They live at the mall. They probably sleep and eat there too and are probably the mannequins as well. Everyone who is extremely stylish and knows their Western Wear can be found at the mall.

You know why? Because they can afford to shop there.

Not that the people of the Czech Republic are poor...if anything, this is so my kind of place because everyone bargain hunts, and is spend-thrift and frugal. They just know how to conserve and spend their money. But when I am talking, the mall is off limits, I'm talking how H&M is one of the top designer retail shops- their clothing states the same amount of dollars it would be in America, but it's in a shirt that should cost you like, $5, $10 tops ends up being about $30

this is why you don't shop in Europe unless it's something absolutely unique you can bring a story back about

It was one of the first times I felt similarly dressed to most of the patrons however. Mind you, the malls in CZ are really no different than those in America- old ladies with too much time on their hands, teens and tweens playing with overpriced makeup, boots tucked into jeans and ROCO puff jackets with fur trimmed hoods were among the more popular getups. If one were deaf to the sounds of the Czech language, one might have felt right at home on Long Island.

There are also no real mainstream Western brands representative other than H&M, but there is a knock-off Victoria's Secret, and even a shitty version of Hot Topic (I know right) dubbed "New Yorker". Of course, being such a namesake, I had to go in and discover what trash could possibly be produced in such a place. I turned quickly and exited before the hot pink plaids and pleather jackets could overtake my soul.

Nevertheless, the Novy Smichov mall is a wonderful place to sit and meditate on the influence of capitalism on a world with a fresh Democracy

Also, Heavy Mental Robot Disco, located in the 49 kc bargain bin at Tesco, is probably my most favorite of purchases yet. "A colorful collection of Musical bon bons" is its tagline, so you know it's good.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I know, I'm terrible, but I've been in the rural town of Slavonice for about a week and internet has been LIMITED so there.

I've had many observations of the Czech fashion scene however, in both a metropolis and country setting.


There is a lot to write about, but an interesting observation I made today was that a local fashion trend appears to be wearing cropped pants with vibrant-colored tights or kneed socks. This is something completely different, almost reminiscent of the knickerbockers of yester-year. Why so? It's interesting to contemplate. Most of those spotted appear to be in formal (or as formal as any Czech can get) attire, probably coming from work. I would also assume that this look is used to stretch the Czech wardrobe, which also seems limited in their respect. Ingenious, Czech folk, to utilize your crop pants in such a manner. Not many Americans would have the guts to be so brazen with their own knee socks.

Today's weather was the beginning of a possible Indian Summer so it's possible that many wanted to feel comfortable yet cautious- weather in Prague is never predictable and layers are almost as popular as jeans. No jean cropped pants and tights spotted however- YET.

I have to admit though, that normally I would criticize this kind of attire. Especially because of how the colors draw bold cuts across the bodies of those wearing the style, it would look frumpy and retro to most. But for the Czechs, it seems to work- God only knows why. I was tempted to stop many on the street and ask them in my poor Czech why such a combination? But then I realized that I wouldn't be able to understand their answer, if they chose to answer me at all.

This is probably because of the formality of the situations in which the style is worn, but typically nice shoes, mainly pointy Oxfords, accompanied the dress, as well as a blazer, giving in more to the Leprechaun-esque look that seemed to captivate so many today. One woman I noticed had raspberry colored stockings with a matching scarf- at least she matched. A popular combination seemed to be navy blue, brown or black however.

The Pilgrim style is in, ladies in gentlemen. I'm surprised this pragmatic and practical trend has not caught on in the US.

On a side note, what the fuck is up with the economy, people? I'm beginning to wonder if I should abandon all hope for Graduate study and just remain here for a while. I feel as though I'd be fucked either way, but at least if I stayed here I wouldn't have to live with my parents.

I hear they have internets out Californi' way...

Monday, September 15, 2008


Taking a new approach to this blog...not that anyone really reads it but my friend Caitlin is starting to do a "theme an entry" type of deal, so I thought I might follow suit...


Since that is the reason why I am here?

All goes...

Statement number one: Prague is not the fashion capital of the world.
...And that's not a BAD thing...they have their own unique style...but it is neither Milan, nor London, nor dare I say New's just Prague...I think because the people have had to deal with so much other shit that they haven't had time to really become "fashionable" know, communism, repressed individuality, that kind of junk

That being said, what I have observed thus far is a tradition of "comfy casual" that somehow seems to work for various occupations also...there is the more formal attire consisting of black polyester pants and a neatly ironed oxford shirt, complete with high heels (although I don't know how anyone can walk in them around here). But for the most part, the fashion trend in Prague can be summed up in one word-


Everyone wears them. Light denim, dark denim, shirts and shorts and skirts- everyone wears jeans. It's like the tuxedo of Central Europe, it seems. Jeans, jeans, jeans, jeans, jeans. Jeans are very dependable. They can endure snow and rain. They are extremely comfortable and mobile. It's not wonder the Pragueians got it right when they decided that Jeans would be they staple of their wardrobes. Jeans are acceptable for work or play, rain or shine, and unless you are going to a wedding or a funeral, there really is no one place you CAN'T wear jeans.

So perhaps. Prague is the "denim" capital of the world. I will focus on that for now. In fact some days I feel overdressed because I'm NOT wearing jeans.

I am beginning to realize that this truly is my kind of country.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So I have my homestay business to attend to. I am living with a single mother named Renata and her 3 year old son, whom I have other names for other than his own. Although he is getting better, Benj needs to learn the word "Ne" to not come from his own mouth. End of story.

But it's been nice, she's a wonderful cook and although she cannot speak english too well, we still manage to get along nicely. The one problem has been that they go to bed quite early but I've been sick so it's been a blessing, really. I'm learning to live without internets and to savor quiet time.

Talked to Sean and my parents on Skype. It's weird, I feel more detached from the world being in a metropolis than I have been in the jungle. It's harder to get into contact here I feel like. Maybe it just takes some getting used to and finding the right cafe.

I've been a little loopy since being sick but it's been a great time so far. I really love being in a city and being surrounded by so much to do and see. And even though the language barrier has been somewhat hard, it's been great to NOT hear so much english as a way of sort of slapping America in the face- we're not such a huge super power after all, and not everyone knows our language. So SHUT THE FUCK UP.

And by the way, the food is the tits.


Thursday, September 4, 2008


So after about an 8 hour flight where i freaked out (as per usual) and actually got to sit in the jump seat to quell my fears a bit, i made it to Praha, home of the Celts, Germanics and Slavs (as i was to find out)

everyone had serious jet lag and no one really knows why...we settled into our hotel and went to a cafe, talked a bit, went to another cafe and talked a bit, and then everyone went to sleep around 6...and woke up periodically throughout the night....we were to do a drop-off the next day so it was a bit stressful but i think everyone made it out pretty alright but it was totes weird

The fun begins...we get a tour of the "classrooms", which is an old three floor flat located above a coffee shop that is AWESOME and has a lovely terrace and is just cool...then we all were sent to different locations around Prague...i got to go to Praha 7 and explored the botanical gardens, and the zoo...the portions for food are HUGE here and cheap...i don't think i've spent above $5 really all depends on whether or not you eat in the city center or even in praha 2, just over the bridge- the difference could be a small beer for $3 or a large beer for $1.60. CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY

We had our first CZ language class...all in all it went well and i am excited about learning how much i'll be able to retain, understand and use...i use as much as i can and it's great to have this crash course i feel i learn better this way...then we talked about policies and junk and introduced our topics, etc, over delicious cakes and coffees at the cafe...we also had a performance piece which was AMAZING from a group called Farm in the was called "the Immigrant's song" and was a mix of movement, art and touching and energizing...we went to a pub later and had our first beers, and had a lot of fun

It's weird, it's only been 4 days but it feels far longer...probably because we really lost 2 days in travel...another cz language class, lunch, a cz lesson on history with an engaging professor...we found out our host families and houses...i am with a fashion designer with a 3 year old boy living in prague's wonderful, i walked past the apartment and it looks great, in a lovely neighborhood with plenty of shops, restaurants, and cafes, and i also have a dog and cat...pretty SWEET deal i'd say

so yeah...the people are cool, "class" rocks...i'm being exposed and taking a lot of risks...i have no idea what's going to happen but it's all exciting and new and wonderful

will add pics as soon as i'm settled